Chiba Cosmos in Dawn 2023 Standard angle in this spot.I used Fisheye lens, it's fun! 25/10/2023 Chiba
Ibaraki Hydrangea in Ibaraki Season of Rain in Japan, too humidity and hot to action...But, there are beautiful flower. 11/06/2023 Ibaraki
Chiba Early Spring in Southern Boso Early spring in southern Boso.Old trains are running around yellow flowers tunnel. 20/03/2023 Chiba
Chiba Cosmos in Dawn A year ago, I shoot cosmos in same place.This time, it's in fog. It was a fantastic morning. 23/10/2022 Chiba
Chiba [Film]Alone Cherry Blossom ‘Yoshitaka no Ozakura’ in Film.FujiFilm Provia.EOS 5 08/04/2022 Chiba
Chiba Alone Cherry Blossom 'Yoshitaka no Ozakura'This cherry is alone. Alone cherry called Ipponzakura in Japanese. 08/04/2022 Chiba
Chiba Cosmoses in Early Morning Cosmoses was wared night Kashiwa Akebono Park. 24/10/2021 Chiba
Shizuoka Kawazuzakura Raw wood of Kawazu cherry tree.Kawazu-zakura is a flower heralding early spring. 08/02/2020 Shizuoka
Saitama Cherry Blossoms in Hanno This place is Kinchakuda where is famous in cluster amaryllis.Cherry blossoms are also famous.This p... 05/04/2019 Saitama