Chiba Driftwood at Tokyo-bay Driftwood in Haraoka Pier where is eastern Tokyo-bay.I used filter what half-ND and ND1000.Haraoka P... 20/03/2023 Chiba
Chiba Scene of Autumn in Kashiwa Leaves is red, Japanese autumn.Location in Kashiwa, Chiba Pref.When you think of autumn, you think o... 03/12/2022 Chiba
Tokyo Starry scape in the Top of Tokyo Mt.Kumotori is Top of Tokyo.We cannot camp in this site now... 01/05/2016 Tokyo
Shizuoka Sunset in the South end of Izu I went to Izu after took cosmos.The South end of Izu peninsula, 'Ai-ai-Misaki'. (Misaki means cape)I... 24/08/2014 Shizuoka